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Human Society of the United States, American Society for the Prevent of Cruelty to Animals (ASCPA) and Compassion in World Farming fails to prevent cruelty against animals – by sitting on the board of the Human Laundry scheme Global Animal Partnership (GAP), They have become apologists for factory holdings.
Human Society of the Us, Aspca and others betray animals through gap support
GAP uses misleading “animal welfare certified” labels to convince consumers that they are buying meat and secretions from animals that were treated better than those at other factory holdings, but Marketing words mean nothing for animals bred and killed for food. PETA investigators documented systemic cruelty and disorder of 12 Global Animal Partnership certified facilities.
A PETA study of Sweet Vot Farm – which was certified by GAP at the time – revealed that pigs were stuffed into highly crowded sheds and had painful, bloody rectal prolapses.
Another PETA study of Plainville Farms – which at that time was also GAP certified – documented that workers kicking, beating and throwing turkeys, leaving sick birds to suffer without treatment. Peta’s study resulted in former Plainville Farms workers being charged with six crimes and a total of 141 cases of abuse against animals-the largest number in any case of factory-farmed animals in American history. Ten former workers have so far been convicted.
Apart from specific studies, animals on gap-certified farms can still be routinely mutilated without painkillers, manually impregnated and held in factory stables that are practically not distinguished from functions that are not “animal welfare certified”. GAP does not prohibit companies from sending pigs into C02 gas chambers at slaughterhouses where they get cramps and slowly suffocate for up to several minutes.
When Gap was founded was a fundamental principle that its board of directors would be shared between animal organizations and the animal breeding industry, but now it’s made up of seven leaders of the factory business industry And only three animal welfare groups.
This makes it completely unbalanced: Gap has become a little more than a human-wash and marketing arm for the meat industry. That they claim that they still have a voice at that table is very suspicious.
Gap is controlled by the meat, dairy and egg industry- which is why PETA and other animal protection groups that Farm Forward dropped their support for GAP- and why we encourage the Human Society of the Us, Aspca and Compassion in World Farming to do the same .
“The requirements for accommodation options became bolder and bolder until it was called to remove even the basic principle of having a balanced board consisting of half animal groups and half industry. I left the board when this shift away from the core principles founded by GAP was founded on, became inevitable. ” Aaron Gross, Farm Forward
By supporting gaps, these organizations promote the suffering and death of animals
At the end of 2024 GAP announced that it is about to phase out the requirement that all producers follow Unbelievably low standards of “Better Chicken Commitment,” a human-wash-sham that allows chickens to continue to suffer violently under disgusting, dirty, factory pharmacy conditions so the meat industry can profit.
Over 8 billion chickens are killed for their meat in the United States every year. Almost all of these chickens, called “broilers” of the artistic chicken industry, spend their entire lives locked up in dirty sheds with tens of thousands of other birds, even when their meat is labeled “Animal Welfare Certified” in grocery stores like Whole Foods. The intense congestion and confinement from the meat, egg and dairy industry often lead to outbreaks of disease, such as bird flu. When the birds are only 6 or 7 weeks old, the workers plug them into overcrowded boxes and load them for slaughter.
Support for GAP is to support factory holdings
Human Society of the US, Aspca and Compassion in World Farming can work with meat dairy and egg industry to create “imperfect change” to the factory business, but they should not promote misleading labels that serve to give the public false notion that “human Meat ”is something more than a myth.
Connect to PETA in urge the Humane Society of the United States, Aspca and CIWF to stop supporting factory holdings and human washing and start telling consumers the truth: Eating animals is never human. Become vegan – it’s easy.